Dukes Clare 3 (Clarris)

Clarris on manoeuvers!
Clarris on manoeuvers!
DoB: 12/04/2006
Oxford Sandy and Black sow
Registered British Pig Association


Clarris had 7 piglets to Darkeye Jack 28 (our Rupert) on 2 February 2011.  Photos below:

2 days old

Clarris had 6 piglets to Longash Alistair 5 on 22 July 2010.  3 girls and 3 boys.  We kept a gilt and a boar to show - see Alfie and Ginger's pages.

Clarris had five piglets to Andy and Maureen Case's Longash Clarence 15 on 10 January 2010.  3 girls and 2 boys.  Photos below.

taken 16 01 2010 at 6 days old   

Below is a photo of Clarrris taking her family out during the day for a romp in the paddock; when they spot Inch coming to get them back in the barn they all rush to greet him

and then they follow him in.

Clarris heavily pregnant (photo taken 02 01 2010)

Clarris 'suning' herself in the wood - you've got to save your strength whilst you can!

Clarris had babies on 9 February 2009 between 12.45am - 3.30am in her bed at the back of the barn which has a seperate heated area for the piglets to get into to keep warm due to the freezing weather.

   The piglets were naturally reared and free to run around 'piggy wood' to their hearts content.  They were Gloucester Old Spot cross Oxford Sandy Black and were  born all pink - some had a few spots and others were darker with splodges!

Clarris retired to her bed to have her babies with Inch as midwife!

Two minutes old and all ready making his way to the milk bar.

After 1 hr clarris had three piglets.

Not overly bothered about being born on a freezing night so long as the milk bar is open!

Bars open chaps!

Contented mummy Clarris.

Follow their progress in Clarris' Photo Album.

Clarris asleep!
Clarris asleep!

Clarris loves her home in the wood.  She enjoys excavating and rotovating and has unearthed a pick axe head and a metal bar amongst other items!

Clarris showing off a bit of her handy work.


In the summer Inch and Clarris often had a chat and a little walk around the wood to examine her latest endeavours.

Parents G-Parents GG-Parents
Longash Jack 3 

Tadneys Jack 
0S149 (0STAD/3)
Clockswood Jack 2 
Nempnett Lady 2 
Cilrath Lady 8 
0S2201 (0SCIL/14)
York Alistair $ 
Cilrath Lady  
Tadneys Clare 10 

Tadneys Alexander 
0S206 (0STAD/138)
Bradwell Alexander 2 
Whitstone Lady 17 
Tadneys Clare 4 
0S2395 (0STAD/184)
Meadows Clarence 2 
Colonyhall Clare 2 