Tamazan Wandering Star (Pepper)

DoB: 04/12/2013
Hereditary clear for PRA/prcd
Hereditary clear for CNM
Hip Score 0:0 !!!
Elbows 0:0
Current eye certificate


Pepper is so good helping her mother Connie out babysitting the puppies

Pepper puppy sitting Pickle's sister Chutney's puppies

Below Pepper at 8 weeks starting as she means to go on!

Below is Pepper's Dad: Champion Bilbo Baggins by Baileydale

and below Pepper's Mum Connie -taking a break!

Sadly Pepper was not pregnant so has now been spayed and has gone to live with our dear friend Carol Mowat.  Pepper loves her new Mummy but is happy to come back here to spend time with her friends.

Pepper's brother is the famous Assistance dog 'Cheese' from Cheesy Diary Fame on Facebook and her daughter is a working assistance dog with Canine Partners.

Pepper herself was a frequent visiting dog at the Care home where my father resided.  She revelled in the attention from the residents there who loved her visits and was extremely well behaved.  She is currently working at Gold Level Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog but unfortunately due to my work commitments and pig showing and now Covid 19 I have been unable to take her for a test.  Hopefully we will be able to rectify that next year.

Parents G-Parents GG-Parents
Champion Bilbo Baggins by Baileydale 

Hip Score 0:0
Elbows 0:0
Current Eye Certificate
DNA Optigen tested Clear/Normal PRA/prcd
Baileydale Bon Bon  
1 CC 1 Res CC HS 2:2 DNA PRA/prcd & CNM Clear Eye Cert
Show Champion Trentwith Sir Winston 
HS 5:5 Eye Cert
Baileydale Primrose of Rosebery 
HS 4:4 Eye Cert
Willowken Liberty Fayre 
HS 6:6
Show Champion Marmaduke Maximus at Cornlands 
HiS 6:6 Eye Cert
Creamwood Joy at Willowken 
HS 7:7 Eye Cert
Tamazan Rising Star 

Hip Score 2:5
Elbow 0:0
Current Eye Certificate
Hereditary Clear PRA/prcd
Hereditary Clear CNM
KC Good Citizen Bronze Award
Field Trials Champion Mediterien Blue 
HS 5:4, DNA PRA/prcd, EIC & HMLR/CNM Clear, Eye Cert
Field Trials Champion Endercott Shelf 
HS 5:4 Eye Cert
Field Trials Winner Drakeshead Evie 
HS 3:4 Eye Cert
Tamazan Majestic Star 
HS 5:4, Elbows 0:0, DNA PRA/prcd Clear, Eye Cert, KC Good Citizen Gold Award
Champion Keene's Seafarer's Star 
HS 9:6 Eye Cert
Tamazan Kestrel 
HS 5:5, Elbows 0:0, DNA Clear PRA/prcd, Eye Cert, KC Good Citizen Gold Award